drama life: September 2007
Saturday, September 01, 2007
「 auditited on 10:00 PM 」

Hello, I'm back for 10193493029238 million years. I'm suprised that I can still get in, I thought blogger is going to close this account. Hahaha.

Ok, ok, I know alot of ppl want the password to this account to update, keep this blog going blah blah blah. First of all, I would like to explain why I didnt give it out despite many resquest. Not because I'm such a stubborn little cow, but becos I thought the new secretary would do it. So obviously she didnt. I'm not saying anything bad about her, ok? In case some stupid idiot think I'm, spread rumors and spam, spam, spam -.-

I'll personally like to have a ld exco member to keep this blog going, like all other cca blogs, buttttttt! I think the rest is capable enough to do it right? Beside ld is special, I dont see why we should follow what other cca is doing :D

Since I started this thing, I should hence keep it going, right? Yup, so I decided to organise a

Dramatic Blogger contest

It's sound lame, watever. It's the best idea I can think of beside allowing fellow peers to hack in. So, this contest is abt finding the next LD blogger. The Ld blogger must satisfy the followings:

1) Must be from ELDDS (dud!)
2) Own a camera or at least can borrow one
3) Dramatic??
4) Have the responsibility to mantain this blog

Yes, I think that's about it. Now, to see who I'm going to pick, anyone interested must send an sample blog entry of any ld session( use micro words or something)
OR, you could, write in less than 100 words on why you should become the next ld blogger. Send them to my email. Include name please.
The most TWO interesting one will be pick. Of cos, I'll also take into consideration of your character blah blah. So, it's fair and square, ok? The sucessful two will be notify by mail or some other way.
The new two ld blogger must:

1) Mantain this blog and pass it to future generation.Make sure it's still going even after that.
2) Do something about the blog skin, which I admit: It suck.
3) Swear a personal oath to NOT give this blog password and username to anyone else. ( NOTE: this include your dearest ld friends)

Becos, if you are going to give the user and password to all your ld friends, then seriously, I might as well delete this entire blog post and simply put them up here, right? Beside, can you imagine the horror when 10 blog post talking about the same thing appeared on one day? Sheesh..oh that's bring me to, things that LD blogger must blog about:

1) All Ld sessions
2) Ld preformances
3) Any ld events
4) Important announcements
5) Any drama and debates related stuff.

Please, dont talk crap or your personal stuff here. There's no need for me to tell you guys this right? You are old enough yo. Sigh, as you can see, mantaining this blog is tough job, so pls think clearly before you send your entry ya? NO BACKINGOUT last min. Anddddd pls, have the responsibility to keep it goinggg and dont spill the user and password out.

So my email is: xinyun_was_here@hotmail.com So yes, send it to me. The closing deadline will be on 16/09( sunday) two weeks people. Oh ya, pls spread this message out. If and only if, I get no entry( haha!) then let's pray that thinn will update, yeah?? Or, I'll just close this blog down. Then, 100 new eldds blog will spring up, each with a different user. HEHE.

I hope I didnt miss out on anything. OK, finally thank you for your kind attention, It'a frigg long post. Keep Ld rocking and carpe diem! :D

P/S: The winners also get access to ld friendster acc and email.

See ya! Love, xinyun :)