drama life: June 2007
Saturday, June 09, 2007
「 auditited on 8:25 PM 」

If drama is life, then who the hell wrote my script?

HeyHo! I'm back after 540167839 years! :D Sorry for not updating for a long period of time. Been very x10000 busy, plus also becos I'm sure a ____ lazy sloth :/ Anyhow, This will be a very picture-ly post.

10 April ( or someother date, I can't remember)

OMG, Ladies and gentlemen(what're you doing in a girls blog anyway), look at Gerry.

Below is the end prize for that day. $20 Swensens voncher!!


Look at saloma (:

Say cheese people :D

Anddd finally....

Our once a year June camp is back again! :DDD It's on the 13 and 14 of June, if I didn't remember wrongly. I wouldn't be there, can't be there. Have exams on both day :/, BUT, I'll see you guys on the night of 14 June! I'm so going to take lots of pictures, so everyone look pretty on that day, kays?? WAHAHA (:

The richness of life, lies in memories we have forgotten.

Do you still remember this??

Well, I do.

With Love, Xinyun.

No, better then fine, all of you, are perfect in my mind.