drama life: March 2007
Saturday, March 31, 2007
「 auditited on 10:25 PM 」

Hello!!! I know it's time I update. so Ta-da, here am I.

West side Story
ACJC is having a production called West Side Story. Tickets are sold at $32 and $52. Showtime is in April. If anyone is interested in going, you can go the Miss Lee homeroom to take a look at the poster.

A newspaper article on the production. I think it's the 26/03 newpaper.

Close-up verison of what the poster looks like.

Far view.

Edlyn Ng. You own me one XD

I'm too lazy to blog, so let's let the pictures do the talking.


o.O so attentive.

No prize for guessing correctly who that is.

When she talks, you better listen.

Pam yawning. (duhhh)

I have no idea who she's aiming at, her imaginary friend maybe??


So hardworking (:

Video of the day

If you are wondering why they are all screaming, that's becos they are pretending to be a pregnant woman giving birth. Idea from Tessa's pea brain.

Those who STILL have not paid LD funds and give us your MCs/letters, pls do so asap.

With Love , XinYun

Thursday, March 22, 2007
「 auditited on 4:43 PM 」


WE are collecting eldds funds--$2, SYF girls included. Pass the $$ to Yiyou, our treasurer.

ELDDS T-shirt design

We are going to make LD T-shirt for this year. So if you have any ideas, do help us. Ur design must include the word " ELDDS" ( duhhh) and must design for both front and back view and of course, it must be drama/debate related. Like always, our eldds T-shirt will be black and those words and picture or watever would be in white. Your designs must be in by next week.

MCs and letters

Those who did not come for LD session on the 28/02, which is the CA week ( including those who DID NOT go for syf. Yes! We know who you are) and yesterday session, please pass ur MC or Parent letter to Tessa, Sri, Dania or XinYun by Friday. Reminder: Those who didn't come for LD without a vaild reason 3 times will be kick out. So, better give us ur MCs/Parent letter (:


In yesterday Ld session:
For Sec 1s, they did their voice projection test. For the rest, they did a exercise on sound which I'll not elaborate.( Too complex) After which, when the Sec 1s join us again, the entire group gets into smaller groups and did a small scene on diff. religions. Then lastly, they remain in their own groups and play " High and Low"which goes like this: They have to act out a small scene when it started with a character with high status ( eg: boss) and another with low status (eg: worker). The scene progress in such a way that something happened in the scene and the character with high status suddenly switch to a low status character and vise versa.

In my opinion, the best scene goes to *insert Drum roll* Melody and YiYou!! And the second best goes to*insert Drum roll* Marissa and Marianne!!
"I don't CarE"
"Before I go I tell Sir how many naked man I see in your room"
*laughs* ^^ only those who were there would understand.

I forgot to bring my camera so, no pictures and videos. Sorry! ): I'll try to remember to bring next week.

With Love , XinYun.

Monday, March 19, 2007
「 auditited on 6:06 PM 」

We'll be collecting LD funds this wednesday!! So don't forget to bring $2. And yes, there'll be ELDDS this wednesday unless otherwise.

I miss Eldds!!! Rahhh!! ): Do you miss eldds too?? (Don't you dare say no, nahhh kidding ^^)

See you guys on wednesday.

With Love , XinYun

Saturday, March 03, 2007
「 auditited on 8:40 PM 」

Eldds blog revamped :)

Ok, pictures time!!


Sri, your very beloved secretary.(sp??)

Whacha looking at??

The Sec 1 members

Acting out a script.

Doing what all LD members have to do.

Stupid Sri, she walk by at the time when I pressed down the button.

Dania and Tessa talking. ( nevermind abt dania weird postion)

Me and Gerry XD


Acting. LOL.


Gerry and Tessa.

I don't noe why I look so serious.

Ur session leader eats....

She eats...

President eats too!!!

Discussion, I supposed.

Now, I present u the videos.

Rehearsing their scripts

Acting out their script.

Wanna noe what ur seniors do when you guys are out rehearsing?? Well, check this two videos out. they are super DAMN IT RANDOM.

Singing some I-don't-noe what song.

How to open the Twistis snack.

Whew! Finally done with all the uploading. ^^ hope you guys enjoy it and keep to this blog alive, ya?? I'll try to update it very week. Oh, I know lots of you guys change link, so if want me to relink, tag kays??

With ♥, Xinyun.