drama life: October 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
「 auditited on 2:19 PM 」

SYF Audition is at 3pm.

Venue is at Auditorium.

Thursday, October 19, 2006
「 auditited on 2:51 PM 」

SYF audition date is on the 3RD OF NOV.

I repeat, 3RD OF NOV.

Mark ur calendar, 3RD OF NOV.

The time is 2PM.

Do not be late, it's 2PM.

Not 1pm, but 2PM.

For those not present at the meeting today, don't say I didn't tell you.

Oh, btw, those cannot make it for whatever reasons, go tell Miss Lee or Mr Poon.


You have been warned. Be smart and make urself free on that day. It's just one day, for goodness sake!!

Saturday, October 14, 2006
「 auditited on 3:30 AM 」

Good afternoon.

Little remainder:

On Monday ( 16/10), Don't forget about the voice projection test and remember that all Sec 1 members had to be present as we'll be doing characterization after that.

Also, do be prepare to stay back on either thurs or friday for CCA.

Entries for ELDDS cheer and blogskins are still open.

A change in plan for all Sec 1 :

Previously, I ask if you guys want to view our SYF video and I said that I went to Tessa to help me get the video right? Now, Diana said that she does not want you guys to view the video for I don't know what reasons, so yup, I don't think you guys will get to view it after all.

SORRY!!!! I tried.

Actually, Tessa is keen on showing, Diana is not, *sigh* both pres and vice-pres have different opinion, so I really don't know who to listen to and go to if I have any ideas on how to make you guys improve and learn and had fun at the same time.

Maybe I should just stop giving ideas. I really tired.

As promise, the second part of the video.

Whose Line is it Anyway Part 2/3

Oh, btw, there are two musical coming up during the nov holidays, check out sistic.com.sg. Enjoy your marking day! See ya.


Sunday, October 08, 2006
「 auditited on 5:55 AM 」

I im hear to remine you gris on sum ld stuff and jugdeing on de numbr of typor airer I am miking, I am ink seeious lyk of sum slip. :/

A little reminder:

Don't forget your "homework" har--> SYF script

A little notice:

I went to Tessa about letting the sec 1 view the SYF 2005 video, she said ok, and she is going to ask Mr Poon or Miss lee,( if she does not forget) depend on who has the video, and we will show to you guys when CCA resume, Kays??

Oh, about when CCA resume, actually, I also don't know when lah. SoOo.. you guys could


1) Corner Tessa outside the hall about exam and bombard her on when CCA will resume


2) Wait for me to ask her and I will post it up on the blog asap

You can also come up with other methods/ways to find out when CCA will resume and train your creative skills at the same time.

I'm tired of signing off, what the heck, you noe who I am right?

Good luck for ur exams!!!

Friday, October 06, 2006
「 auditited on 2:15 PM 」

Eldds fun shot photo!!! Woots.

Credit goes to Ashwinnie for that photo and guess what, it came photoshopped!! :)

Save me the trouble to photoshop it. I am still waiting for the formal one to be send to me by(....), I don't know who lah, still waiting for one kind soul to send it to me.

Thanks you again, Ashwinnie <3