drama life: September 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
「 auditited on 4:30 AM 」

Taking a quick break from my revision. My mother is under the impression that I am doing my project work. Hehe...

Xinyun, you are a bad girl.

I need to go back to my revision I need to stop studying.

Warning: Should you choose to believe what you read below, I will not be responsible for any F9 or bad results *touch wood* you get in ur EOY exams or any exams you take. This post had nothing to do with eldds sessions or anything. Seem it is exam period I thought I put this up seen is it related to studying and for ur amusment.

We all agree that

Study= No Fail--(1)

and also cannot disagree that

No Study= Fail--(2)

Right? Right?!

Ok, combine both equation (1) and (2) together, we will get

Study + No Study= Fail + No Fail

By taking out common factor on both side (algebra, people)

Study (1 + No 1)= Fail ( 1 + No 1)

Cancel common factors on both side

Study (1 + No 1)= Fail (1 + No 1)

We are left with

Study = Fail

Therefore, I advised you to stop studying.

I study triple science and I am asking you to stop studying. What a great combination.

To see another equation on why girls are evil, click here


Thursday, September 21, 2006
「 auditited on 3:40 AM 」

A little quote related to acting to think about.

"We are in the transport business. We transport audiences from one place to another"
-quote by Alfred Hitchcock-
HI all!!

I saw Tessa taking the CCA photos so I suspect we will be getting our CCA photos soon. I'm not sure when though.

To all those who are asking:

ELDDS session will resume on the 17 sep 2006 the week after the SA1.( I think)

Speaking of SA1, I am very stress that I will not be able to finish studying!!! OMG. So yupp, I got to go and study liao.

Here's another video for u guys to enjoy.

Whose Line is it Anyway Part 1/3

I will post up the rest of the video when I have the time. Which will most probably be after exams.

the stressful xinyun

Thursday, September 14, 2006
「 auditited on 5:30 PM 」

Konnichiwa!! :)

WE need a Eldds cheer. Hence, an eldds cheer competition. All eldds members, including ex-elddsians, who are interested ( you better be) pls come up with an original eldds cheer. You can do it in groups or individual.

Send ur entry to the eldds email---> eldds_rock@yahoo.com.sg

We are also having* drum roll* an eldds blogskin competiton. I kinda like the current blogskin cos it made by yours truly!! I'll be more than happy to keep it :) *cough* Anyway, people who are good with the computer and photoshop software, here's ur chance to show off ur talent. This competition is open up to all eldds members( who else?) and ex-elddsians.

Send ur entry to the eldds email---> eldds_rock@yahoo.com.sg

We'll inform you of the closing deadline, hmm..soon.

To all eldds members:

Do not forget abt ur holiday homework---> come up with a SYF script.

To ex-elddsians:

We have lots of the current eldds T-shirt leftovers, abt 20, I think. Tessa, our new president is thinking of selling these T-shirt to you guys .

Here's how it look like:

Credit to Tazkiah for that pic. The one that I took wasn't clear, so I copy and paste from her blog. Thanks!!! :)


So, if you want the T-shirt, can leave a tag or something. Those eldds members who ordered the t-shirts and have not claim them yet, do come and claim them, we can't keep them forever you know. =.-

Gentle reminder:

CCA will stop till after the final yr exams.

Before, I sign off, a video for you guys to watch. Super funny, *laughs* good improvisation<--one of the drama skills.( remember?) Well, enjoy.

Whose Line is it Anyway-->Scene from the hat.

the plain and simple Xinyun.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
「 auditited on 4:30 AM 」

Gentle reminder.

To all sec 1 members:

Pls remember to bring ur eldds journal tomolo. Thanks.

Right, here is a video for ur enjoyment. Some of you might have watched it before, and yes, I love korean dramas!! ^o^ The video is in korean btw.

My lovely Samsoon--> Karaoke Scene

Hilarious is it?? *laughs*

Online drama lesson no. 1:

Don't hesitate, just let go. Don't be afraid to embarrass urself. Always remember, the audience is not laughing at you, they are laughing with you.

Drama tip 1:

Watch alot of TV!!! *grins* No, really, go and watch TV. Watch the professionals and learn.

Yup, that's abt it. Oh..for those who wants to catch the show, it's on every weeknights, 10pm, on channel U. The actress and actors are good man!! :)

the korean drama lover, Xinyun