drama life: August 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
「 auditited on 7:02 PM 」


Important notice:
We might want you guys back during the holidays, maybe only. Cos according to Tessa, she wants you all back lah. She'll call you, if have to come back. And all those who want to go to the musical, forbidden city, pls bring ur $$ and give to Miss Lee tomolo. 1st come 1st serve, so get ur tickets fast.

To sec 1 members only:

Today session suck man. Actually we plan like quite a few games today lah,( yes, we took ur suggestion/feedback seriously) but then hor, don noe what the hell happen.

There is something that I'll like to say so badly. :/ I just need to get it off my chest. Sooooo, here goes:

Today hor, I wasn't THat angry. In fact I don't even fell the anger inside me ;) Just that I use all the so called "angry" words and just projected my voice a bit louder only. Ahya, it's my job, so no choice lol, I very nice one. ( if not, why will I kept my word and gave you guys sweets??)
I plan to tell you all this after the session, but see you all so sad then I just forget it lol, later you guys hate me even more. Hahas. (^^ " )

All those who can read those tiny winnie words, hope you'll understand me, those who can't, oh well.....

I didn't say all that in hope of you guys will like me, pls lol, I am not so pathetic. I just don't want ppl to hate me for the wrong reason. ^^

I really want to move on to characterization( super duper fun *recall* ^.^) !!!!!!! So sec 1, can do well in projection then finally move on?? Pretty pleaseee * puppy dog eyes*

One last thought,

Meaningful advice:
Listen to our scolding, one ear in, one ear out,( really, i'm not jking) However, take whatever we taught you seriously.<---- that's the most important thing.

The nice Xinyun.

I am going to click on "publish post" now, cheer up ppl, kays?? 1,2,3 *Click*

Monday, August 28, 2006
「 auditited on 3:06 PM 」

Short update.

To all ELDDS members:

Eldds session starting from this week, will end at 6pm instead of the usual 5.30pm.

Don't complain. Be grateful already that eldds is only once a week. It's worse last year :/

yours truly,

Thursday, August 24, 2006
「 auditited on 4:20 PM 」

Ahem. It's me again. Miss me? *puppy dog eyes*



Tomolo( 25/08), pls remember to bring the money for the eldds photos. $2.50 for the 5r one and $6.00 for the 8r one. It is very important that you bring the money, if not you won't get the photos.

Bring along as well $37.80 for the musical, Forbidden city if you are going for it. Those who are not going, shame on you. Shouldn't ld people be more entu about this kind of ARTS stuff?? :/ Oh well, freedom of choice.


Feel free to give us constructive feedback about eldds or suggestion to make eldds session better on this blog. Just tag for the time being. I'll set up a place for u people to give ur comments on this blog some other time. I think.

P.S: Sec 1 members, pls update ur eldds journal on wed session. We'll be checking them soon. Real soon.

.:Edit:.( I got time after all ^.^ )

BEhold. I put this thingy( don't noe wat it's called) under the heading :"Voice!" , which is just below the tagboard. That's the place where you type in ur constructive feedback or suggection.
Finally, this blog is put to fabulous use. If there is no constructive feedback or suggestion, we will just assume that the session plan for u guys are great.

Lets pray that happens. :)

Added a new link. It link to the photo album I just created. The photos are taken during eldds june camp 2006. If you want any of the photos, for......I don noe...to look at ur pretty faces o.O or something, email me, kays?? Otherwise, check it out and enjoy looking at my pretty face. *laugh*

the lovely xinyun

Saturday, August 19, 2006
「 auditited on 12:30 PM 」

A quick update.

To all eldds members:

There'll be CCA this week cos its after CA liao. We are going to start proper training and we are also going to push you girls hard. *evil smile*

You have been warned.

Since its after exams, here is a little video for ur enjoyment.


Location: School Auditorium

Event: Eldds June camp 2006

Director: Stella Leong

Crazy women. *laugh*

the fun-loving xinyun.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006
「 auditited on 4:40 PM 」

What's up people.

New friendster account created becos of mmm...some problems. So, pls re-add. And also, pls DO send testimonials, k??

*look up into the sky and imagine*

Someone saw eldds friendster account and click on it *click*
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and saw ZERO testimonial.
Random person: No testimonials, eldds so pathetic. Nobody like eldds.

*Scene disappeared. Proof*

Eldds is one CCA with 60 over members. Dance has 60 over members but consist of the combination of 4 CCA groups.

We have a blog and other CCA don have. (HAHA)

Therefore, ELDDS is NOT pathetic. I repeat. Not

So don't let other people think we are, okie dokie??

Dwelling too much on friendster, back to important issue.

Committee meeting this friday. People need to be present are:

THINN ( I think)

Meet at canteen ater school and don't forget about it.

Xinyun, the millonaire wannabe

Saturday, August 12, 2006
「 auditited on 3:50 PM 」

New skin.

Hope you guys will like it. Actually, I don't really like the yellow and orange background colour, but I didn't do the background, I just edit the pictures above. So yup, not my fault.

On the more positive side : Think yellow and orange, think sunshine--happy people.


New tagboard too. People, pls do tag, can??

No CCA this week (I hope) cos its CA week.


the adorable xinyun.

Monday, August 07, 2006
「 auditited on 8:00 PM 」

I have moved eldds blog to blogspot.

Sorry for moving without asking the relevant people. Hope you all won't mind. :)

Yup, so pls re-link.

Take note:
Dress code for 8 Aug: Wear skorts to school, after that change to Ld t-shirt after you receive them. And those who haven't pay for the Ld shirt yet, pls do remember to pay.

ur cute and beloved xinyun.

Saturday, August 05, 2006
「 auditited on 5:02 AM 」


Just wanted to drop by and say "hi".I'm your new secretary, sri.

Inter class debates are coming soon so if you guys would like to have some exposure in debates you can come and watch the sec 3s battle it out.
For any other information about our trainning sessions or any upcoming events please come to us for help.

your awesomely dear secretary,SRI:D

Wednesday, August 02, 2006
「 auditited on 7:13 PM 」

Obvious evidence of absence of updating, Our CCA is still alive.

Introducing our new committee:)

President: TESSA
1st vice.president: DIANA
2nd vice.president: THINN
Secretary: SRIMATHI
Treasurer: ZHI HUI
Session leader: XIN YUN
Sec 1 level rep: CATERINA
Sec 2 level rep: EMERLI
Sec 3 level rep: JO HUI
Wardrobe Mistress: YI YOU

PLease remember to bring your $15 for the ELDDS T-shirt.And please do check the LD board ( this blog too) for regular updates.(due to the stupid fact that CCA announcement can no longer be made in the morning,ptfff)

Next week, there will be no CCA due to National day.

Yours truly,Xinyun(ur cute session leader)