drama life: June 2006
Saturday, June 03, 2006
「 auditited on 3:25 AM 」

Chikadoodledeedumbum. 'Sup people! It's your resident Secretary in da HOUSE Y'ALL!!!

*cough* Right.

I am currently 'officially' graduated from ELDDS, but i shall never relinquish myself as a being who manipulate speech. Though we may not be part of the society anymore, we shall still continue manipulating speech the best we can, in memory of the memorable times we spent as part of the wonderful family.

We seniors were sent off with a beautiful and meaningful Farewell party during the annual ELDDS camp.

This was part of the candle assemble of the words "WE LOVE YOU" that the girls shaped out using tea-light candles at the foyer, while they serenaded us with songs as we stood outside the school library looking down at them. It was throughly touching.

Dinner at the light house, consisting of CHICKEN CHOPS, FRIES, COESLAW, POTATO WEDGES and CHIPS.

Beautiful- apart from the styrofoam boxes. (laughs)

The sec 1 to 3 putting up a series of performances that were hihgly entertaining and filled with budding talents. We had a great time. Ex-Theresians Annabelle Loo and Nikko Aw were there too! Remember to vote for Annabelle as she enters the top 28 of Singapore Idol!

Speaking of which, the sec 1s put up a throughly amusing parody of Theresian Idol, which was delightfully well-scripted and acted out! One of the best i have seen, and i am very serious. Songs and dances. Really lots of fun.

And then Miss Lee and Mr Poon presented 'graduation' certs to the graduating Seniors, and we promise to treasure them dearly.

Thanks to all of you for the beautiful and wondrous times you have given to us seniors. For probably the final time, this is your favorite personal Edlyn, Signing off.

Lots of Love, hugs, and kisses,Edlyn