drama life: November 2005
Friday, November 11, 2005
「 auditited on 11:03 AM 」

A little quote to think about:
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." -Rudyard Kipling
Think wisely about what you say. What you say -or do- may have a bigger impact on others than you think.

They can scratch and bite at the heart like a knife can, they can also soothe and touch the soul like a soft feather on silk.

Words have a power on their own, and to have the gift of speech is a blessing. Use it wisely.
-Edlyn, Secretary of ELDDS

Events coming up!

28th November, Monday


Please do remember to report in school by 0730 SHARP. Those late will face drastic measures.

For those who have not paid or handed up their forms, PLEASE do bring them on the 28th. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you do so.

Other Events coming up

1. Orientation Camp performace

Do take note that this time, the Orientation camp performance would be held on the Saturday, 7th January. The secondary 4s next year would be performing the SYF script of 2003, Sticks and Stones (unconfirmed).