drama life: June 2005
Saturday, June 18, 2005
「 auditited on 2:24 PM 」

Welcome, welcome to the humble abode of the Beings Who Manipulate Speech. We are a group of very talented teenagers (and two Specially Selected Adults to light our way through this fearful world of horrors!) who like to think that we can debate and do drama. Being Beings Who Manipulate Speech, we - as our wonderful name suggest - manipulate speech in two ways which are so wrongly categorized, as our talents are too unique to be categorized. But unfortunately, we cannot name ourselves as the Beings Who Manipulate Speech, as it would be wrong in the eyes of many. So as Beings Who Manipulate Speech, we decided to name ourselves the English Literature Drama and Debates Society.

As our Name suggests, this wrongfully underestimated Co-curricular Activity offers Drama and Debating skills to students (and the two Specially Selected Adults) who are completely devoted to offering the most of their Secondary School life to Debating and Drama. These skills dramatically (no pun intended) improves our self-confidence (to the point of cockiness. Note: Refer to specimens 938: Edlyn Ng) and our ability to live up to our names, moulding these wonderful group of people to be Beings Who Manipulate Speech.

I was informed that we Beings Who Manipulate Speech already have created a web's, but I decided, WHAT THE HECK. No harm in making another one, aye? Besides, one cannot have enough of good things.

Besides. It's Free.

We, are certainly blessed.

Appreciate it, my friends, for the lord is good for the gift of Edlyn Speech.

Yours Faithfully,Edlyn NgSecretary (A very PROUD one) of ELDDS, 2005/2006

FINALLY. I have finally completed the web design you are seeing now. Granted, it's not perfect, and it is defintely not black, but what the heck. It's not THAT bad.

Right? Right?!

I gave up. This blog was supposed to be hosted on Blogspot, but due to my inexperience (and dislike) of blogspot, i transferred everything to diaryland. Blogspot was just too complicated for little old me.

So there you have it - a website dedicated to ELDDS. The banner is proudly made by yours truly, images courtesy of gettyimages (though i blotted the credit on the picture out with a vector mask. It was too...distracting) and the nice wallpaper you see that DOES NOT MOVE (thanks to a wicked css trick) is credited to not (that) ugly designs, from her 'notebook' template.

Man. I'm so relieved it's over (for now). I was working on making a template since 10am this morning, and have worked straight, redesigning and redesining each template i come across, and tormenting my photoshop programe while making the banner.

Thank goodness it's over.

Now on to filling the website up...

which i shall do another time.
